Pack your bags and set off on a well-deserved Christmas break.
Christmas is a time for celebration, a time for connection, reflection and recreation - all the “tions!”
However, more commonly, Christmas can be an overburden on an already worn-out family. The festive season brings with it many pressures, ranging from overwhelming social interactions to the expense of gifts, food and decorations. Christmas can be an extremely stressful time!
So, if Christmas is a time for connection, reflection and recreation, why are adding more pressures and essentially putting ourselves into overdrive?
Christmas gift giving, family reunions and elaborate feasts are a tradition that is fixed into our programming and therefore can be difficult to break free from.
What if we did break free from these traditions occasionally? What if we packed our bag and enjoy ourselves in a luxury villa at Port Douglas or have a holiday on Hamilton Island? We can scrap spreading ourselves thin at endless gatherings, food preparations and decorating. It could mean connecting with loved ones, having the time to reflect on the past year and envision the one to come, it could mean kicking back and doing the things we truly love to do! You could fill up your “tions!” You may choose those days to recharge on the beach and enjoy being served beautiful meals at a restaurant instead of cooking a huge Christmas meal for 10+ people.
In order to truly celebrate Christmas, you must think outside the box! A Christmas holiday will no doubt provide the perfect start to the new year because you are going to be recharged and reconnected! If the public holidays for Christmas and New Year are before and after the weekends, you may be able to have a 2-week vacation without using a lot of your work holidays.
The options for destination Christmas breaks are plentiful and Christmas has never looked so good! After all we really do wish you a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
Take a look at all the stunning homes you could spend your Christmas holidays in.